A childhood before technology took over

I was re-watching one of the episodes of 'Stranger Things' and it got me thinking - what would it be like if it were based in present time. I'm sure none of the kids would notice that Will has gone missing until much later because they are all busy with their smartphones. Would they ever go on a spooky adventure with only bikes and walkie talkies at their disposal? Probably not! I think they would discuss all the stuff in a group chat and maybe make a viral video about it. It wouldn't be as exciting as it is with limited technology. It would be easy but definitely not exciting.

Growing up in the 90's wasn't like we grew up without any technology at all. We had our fair share of video games, we had cartoons we had the computer and later on we also did have social media (Read: MSN, Orkut etc.). But what got us most excited was finishing our homework as soon as possible so we could go out and play. Do you remember the excitement of playing hide and seek? Finding the most unusual places to hide so we're the last one to be found. And the thrill of arranging 7 stones in a vertical order before someone from the other team hits you with a ball. If nostalgia hasn't ensnared you already, let me remind you of the summer vacations that weren't spent within the four walls of modern summer camps, but were spent outside playing in mud, dirt and sweat. Drawing lines on the ground to play hop scotch or being the "kachcha nimbu" in a cricket match. Most summer evenings were spent playing board games like monopoly, carrom or scrabble with family.

You know what made those days so much more special? The absence of technology. The board games have camouflaged into applications in our smartphones and are just a finger tap away, but its not the same and definitely not better. You can argue that technology is important, but when I think of the 90's I think of simpler times when people had time to talk to each other. Neighbors didn't keep their doors closed the whole time and interacted with each other on a daily basis.

Don't get me wrong. I love technology/Internet and I am a meme lover at heart and also probably the most tech savvy person of my family. But when I see kids these days talking to each other more through video games, or 10 year olds comparing who got more likes and followers, makes me a little sad. A part of me says stop looking at the past through rose colored glasses and perhaps that is true. If it weren't for the internet, I wouldn't be able to reconnect with my long lost school friend or I wouldn't be able to shop for literally anything from the comforts of my home. Lets not forget that it is technology that gives hope to lakhs of patients everyday.

Technology is important and also in many ways inevitable. Its the reason kids today are so much smarter and sharper, but lets hope they also learn to have some fun and create beautiful childhood memories that they can cherish for a lifetime.

What are your thoughts about this? Comment below and let me know!!!


  1. Nice article afi... Technology has indeed taken over the childhood experience.

  2. Nicely written. Technology has taken over, because we as parents have allowed it to. We parents want ease in our lives, so we allow tech access to our children. We find it easy to explain something on a smartphone rather than doing the activity on a piece of paper. Secondly we have lost confidence in our own self assuming that our children won't understand something written on a book but will easily grasp things with three dimensional pics. Hope we all improve ourselves.

  3. Very well written and probably that’s the thought on every early millennial’s mind.. We, as kids, grew really Happy and made unquestionably more friends than what our next generation might make.. Best part about the entire article is your equal stand in support of Technology.. Good work..

  4. Being from the 90s I totally agree with all the points you mentioned. Technology has been forced upon us and making this generation lazy. People who discuss pros and cons may not have enjoyed their childhood. There is no doubt that life was much better and simple without it. Very well written! Good job

  5. Nice topic, preferably it's for parents.... To understand....people should let there child have childhood rather then being robots..... While our childhod our parties let us make mistake and then recorrect it... Today parents are making machine out of there child they never make mistake and they they have no childhod and like wise there future is at stake...


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