Why Indian news channels need a breath of fresh air

Can you believe there are almost 400 news channels in India? When I first read this, it took me back to simpler times when people had to wait for 9’o clock news to know what was happening, locally and the world at large. It was a time when they showed bona fide news. There was credibility. It was mainly because news reporting on television was bound by time and was focussed on important matters. There was no need to show unnecessary things just to fill time. Some of the things they show today could very well be considered bizarre.

Now that news channels have all the freedom and time, the entire goal of T.V news has blurred. There is more competition and with competition comes the need to sensationalize anything and everything. News reporting be damned, what is shown today is a more twisted , over-exaggeration of events just to grab eyeballs. More viewers means more TRP’s which means more profit. At some point, it even feels less like news and more like Hindi soap operas or reality shows. For instance, after a certain celebrity death last year, Indian news channels not only sensationalized it, but also made an utter mockery of the whole situation (“Maut ka bathtub” should ring a bell).
The part journalism plays in maintaining a healthy democracy cannot be ignored. It is a reflection of the state of affairs in the country especially from a foreign point of view. It is essential that news channels take into account what they are putting forth. They need to be unbiased and non-political. They need to conduct themselves solely as a medium of sharing information, which is their fundamental objective.  Instead of giving their verdict, they should leave the inference-making on the viewers. Let the nation decide what is right and what is wrong.

Recently, after the Balakot airstrike, Indian media dived head first into digging every detail they could find on Wing Commander Abhinandan and broadcasting it on national television. There should be some level of responsibility, at least, when matters concerning National security are at heart. Like Dan Rather said, “Ratings don’t last, good journalism does”. Good journalism is the mirror image of a good nation. I think, like doctors, journalists should also start taking an oath at the start of their careers to always be unbiased and ethical.

Its not entirely the fault of news channels, they are showing what people are watching. No one is interested in positive news. For example, if they show news like, “ No train delays in Mumbai today”. It will be shocking , but very few would want to watch it. However, if there is a news like, “Two commuters got into a fight and created  havoc” , many would be interested. Its just human psychology. This doesn’t mean news channels should not show anything positive at all. Instead of negativity being their centre point, the focus can slightly shift to science, health and education sectors. Moreover, 70% of India that belongs in its villages needs attention too. The droughts, famines, the plight of farmers etc.  could be given more recognition instead if meaningless debates and news that are mostly tempest in a teapot.

Lets hope some day sooner rather than later, Indian T.V news channels and the forces behind them experience  an epiphany of sorts, and may good journalism prevail and become India’s voice of reason.


  1. Finally....We are waking up.....This what we need...Public awareness.... Hats off. .I think you just belled the cat...👏👏👏

  2. Its high time people should retaliate to news who butchers the entire idea of knowledge and information... ... they will continue to project Bizzare till the time we entertain them ... Very well written ... Good job !!!!

  3. Nice article and rightly mentioned to expose the news channels. Now a day's donkey race of news channels and reporters, people forget their responsibility of being a citizen of the country.

  4. Very well written. Abhinandan and media case was very embarassing. I dont think the media got it, till it was pointed on social media.
    Well articulated thoughts.

  5. You should watch ravish kumar...one of the few journalist that is not afraid to ask questions....also the key to unbiased media is if they are not dependent on advertisement for their operational cost....small independent media houses like the wire...news laundary...the quint....Dhruv rathi..have been leading this space....we as a viewer can choose our content...then let youtube app to do the magic...it will direct the traffic to similar content in line with your taste...300 channels exits bcz there is viewership for all 300 of them....chose your content and then others will stop exisitng.


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