English is a funny language!

One of the most famous dialogues of Bollywood that will always be fresh in our minds - "I can talk English, I can walk English, I can laugh English because English is a funny language" and indeed funny it is. I think its the only language in the world where you can have noses that can run and feet that can smell. When we transport something by a car, it's called a "SHIPment" and when you transport something by a ship, it's called a "CARgo". And why does Psychology start with a 'P' and mojito have a 'j' in it? Confusing, right? Once at a birthday party I was asked, "Are you sure you don't want another piece of cake?" Now, how was I supposed to answer this question? Yes ,I don't want or No, I don't want. And what if I really did want to eat another piece of cake? Phew! Let's talk about relations; In India every person you are related to has a unique name, you are someone's fufaji...